Given the increasingly severe impacts of climate change and the rising social awareness, issues related to sustainable development are becoming a priority for many businesses.

Pressure from society and customers for more environmentally friendly solutions is forcing companies to adapt. Consumer ecological awareness is growing, prompting businesses to abandon traditional, less environmentally friendly practices in favor of more sustainable business models and responsible actions towards undertaking sustainable initiatives.

To accelerate the green revolution in business, it is necessary to build corporate responsibility for business cooperation and relationships with partners and suppliers.

Implementing all ESG criteria in monitoring the level of sustainable development of partners and suppliers (value chain) requires innovative technology as a critical success factor. Technology that will propose a platform tool, a globally networked solution, enabling the assessment of companies with ESG standards in a simple and legally compliant manner.

CRIF, a data and solutions provider for the financial sector worldwide, emphasizes ESG in its mission and, utilizing all its expertise, provides functionality for managing the supply chain on the Synesgy platform.

Overcoming barriers and challenges requires an integrated approach, technological innovation, legal regulations, and a change in organizational culture, and in all these areas, the Synesgy platform facilitates businesses in taking effective actions at no cost.

Monitoring your partner and supplier chain on the Synesgy platform can be the first or next step towards ESG success in your company.

If you have any questions, we are here to help! Please feel free to contact us through the dedicated form.

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